How Australian Timber is processed

How Australian timber is processed

Have you ever wondered what happens to the timber harvested from New South Wales forests? Or how far the logs travel to be processed and what they are turned into? In this blog we follow the journey of our logs from private native forestry operations to the sawmill and beyond.

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Are NSW State Forests being managed sustainably?

Are NSW State Forests being managed sustainably? Eager to find out more on how New South Wales state forests are being managed? Concerned about their sustainability and long term future?

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How to get the best return from your private native forest

Optimal returns from your private native forest involve cultivating a diverse, healthy mixed-age forest, flourishing with native flora and fauna. This approach allows for potential timber production, offering financial gains while safeguarding the future sustainability of the forest.

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Mechanical Harvester in use

The evolution of forestry technology in Australia

Technology is an increasingly important part of the science of forest management. The forestry machinery and equipment we choose to use, ensures greater safety, efficiency and sustainable results for landowners, forests and those that work in them.

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Bike leaning against tree in forest with light shining through

How NSW Mid North Coast native forests are being put to good use

NSW native forests provide a wealth of benefits to local communities. From providing spaces for people to enjoy, to supporting…

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Top 6 Sustainable Forest Management Techniques

We cover the top six forest management techniques for forest health, wood production, wildlife, aesthetics & bushfire mitigation.

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Forest Science, Forest Ecology, Forest Health, Forest Resources

Science leading the way in sustainable forest management

The NSW State Government has a dedicated Forest Science department, focused on assessing and quantifying forest values in accordance with…

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same-age forest next to a mixed-age forest

Impacts on Forest Yield: Why no two forests yield the same

Every forest is unique. From the mix of tree species and tree health, to the age of the forest and…

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A Sustainable and Renewable Green Earth

Embracing change for multigenerational benefit – Denmark case study

From the food we choose to eat and the products we consume, to how we manage our resources, each decision we make will impact the future – ours and our families to come.
This article focuses on the opportunities for East Coast landowners to embrace sustainable management practices and how collectively, we can make a change for good.

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Starry night in Northern NSW

How To Overcome Social & Environmental Impacts on NSW Native Forests

Australia’s native forests are active and biodiverse ecosystems, with unique cultural heritage. They provide many benefits including timber, carbon sequestration…

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Forest Management Options for Private Landowners

Managing your private native forest need not be a difficult task. There are clear codes and guidelines that determine sustainable ways of managing private native forest in NSW and across Australia. As the leader in sustainable forest management we have created this short guide covering the four main approaches to managing private native forest on the North Coast of NSW.

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In 2022 the koala was officially declared an endangered species, with the most recent research predicting that without serious intervention koalas could face extinction in NSW by 2050.

The Great Koala National Park – Coffs Coast

The Coffs Coast could soon be home to The Great Koala National Park…As Australians we want to protect our iconic Koala from extinction. As forestry industry professionals we see the value of sustainable forest management for long term ecological benefit.

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