Partnering with Sustainable Forest Management on the your long-term forest management objectives couldn’t be simpler. With over 30+ years experience, we have honed our process to make sure it is a simple and hassle-free way for you to maximise the returns of your forest with minimal impact.

There are seven simple steps in our active forest management. 

1. Pre-Qualification

In our initial conversation with you by phone/email, we will discuss your property location, access, previous logging history (if known), current approvals and timeframes. This ensures your property’s suitability for an appraisal to take place. From there, we can arrange a convenient time to come out to assess your forest in person. We will also ask you (the most important questions) about your objectives and expectations.

2. Free Forest Assessment

We offer free on-site forest assessments to determine suitability for sustainable harvesting, which includes an estimate of your timber value . We also offer free personalised advice on the long-term sustainable management of your private native forest. The purpose of our inspections is to cover three key areas: access, forest type and forest condition. See our Forest Assessment page for further details.

3. Written Appraisal & Valuation

We will provide a written assessment report outlining the findings from our on-site inspection along with our rates, payment terms, an estimate and our recommendations . This will also include an estimated valuation for your suitable timber when harvested.

4. Private Native Forest Plan

Private Native Forest Plans are commonly known as PNF Plans or Logging Approvals. They are a key requirement for all private native forest management in New South Wales. We can apply for your PNF Plan on your behalf. See our Private Native Forest Plans page for further details. We also offer all of our clients a Timber Harvest and Purchase Agreement

5. Forest Management Plan

Next, we produce a Forest Management Plan (FMP), which describes the proposed forestry operations within your Private Native Forestry Plan area. The FMP includes a map and a written section describing the forest and proposed harvest and management activities. 

6. Forest Management

Our team of specialised forest managers arrive on-site, and conduct agreed selective timber harvesting. We actively manage your forest to improve bushfire resilience, promote biodiversity and forest health

We only harvest timber where it is sustainable to do so, with minimal impact to the natural habitat and protection of your forest for future growth. Our approach ensures more of the tree is harvested than that of our competitors, therefore minimising wastage and maximising returns. 

Our solid and long-standing partnerships within the industry ensure maximum royalties for your timber.

See our Sustainable Logging page for more details.

7. Reforestation

Our industry-leading reforestation advice is available for every landowner. This can include a complimentary aftercare service, including site revisits and follow up consultation for hazard reduction burn & natural germination.

See our Reforestation Program page for more details.

Ready to get started? Contact us today on 1300 367 378. Alternatively, use our Contact Us form, we’d love to help you with your forest management requirements.