The benefits of actively managing private native forests are yet to be realised for many in Australia. We are the changemakers to make that happen for landowners across the East Coast. Partner with us and reap the benefits today!

Our Process: Partnering with Sustainable Forest Management on the long-term active management of your forest couldn’t be simpler. With over 70 years of experience, we have honed our process to ensure it is a simple and hassle-free way for you to maximise the returns of your forest with minimal impact. Our sustainable forest management process follows seven steps.

Sustainable Practices: Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We promote sustainable business decisions, from being as digitally driven as possible to supporting local and international environmental initiatives that align with our industry. Our industry-leading approach to sustainable timber harvesting means we can harvest more of the tree than our competitors. Our industry-leading reforestation program, which included all landowners, ensures a complete sustainable life cycle of the private native forests we manage.

Timber Uses: Australia –  particularly the coastal and tableland forests of NSW and QLD – produces some of the most robust, durable and beautiful timbers in the world, making them ideal for architecture and design.  Have you ever wondered what happens to your timber? From the forest to the retailer, timber goes through a chain of value-adding processes before arriving at the retailer. Timber has many uses. Our Top 10 Timber Uses showcase how your wood will likely be used. 

Reforestation: Our forests are unique places, and Australians use products made from wood every single day. The Australian forestry industry is committed to replacing every tree harvested by 2050. At Sustainable Forest Management, we are doing the same.

Need a sustainability focussed forest management partner? Contact Us on 1300 367 378 or complete the Contact Us form today. We would love to partner with you. Want to find out more about our services?