Sustainable Forest Management on a Northern NSW Agricultural Property

cows in a paddock

Are you a farmer with a private native forest on your property? Perhaps you’re wondering where to start with forest management, or whether now is the right time to consider a selective harvest of your forest. In this blog, I’ll share my experience as a fourth-generation farmer managing a 20,000-acre property in Northern NSW, and how sustainable forest management has become a long-term partnership for the benefit of our land.

Large Agricultural Property in Northern NSW

I’m Tom, the current owner of a large agricultural property in Northern NSW. This property has been in my family for generations, and with that comes a deep understanding of the land, the diverse wildlife, the topography, and the ever-changing weather. Our property spans over 20,000 acres, featuring internal roads, crossings, bridges, and an extensive boundary fence line. The land here is diverse, ranging from grasslands and pastures to scrubby, rocky non-agricultural areas, and dense, mixed-age native forests, including a dedicated plantation.

cows being herded
Agricultural farmers can diversify their income by sustainably  managing their native forest for the long term. Cattle farmers in particular can benefit by opening up additional areas on land for silvopasture and reinvesting timber royalties into the farm.

Forest Management History

Over the years, we’ve conducted multiple cycles of sustainable selective timber harvest operations, with our last selective harvest being 10 years ago, generally following a 30 year cycle. Alongside this, we have an active hazard reduction burn program that’s been in place for decades. Our fire management regime is based on years of accumulated knowledge about the property’s topography, seasonal weather patterns, and vegetation types. We use short-term forecasts and careful assessment to plan hazard reduction burns in specific areas on any given day.

As we prepare for the handover of the farm to the fifth generation, I decided to engage Sustainable Forest Management to ensure the long-term health of our forest. Their expertise helps us actively manage these valuable resources, allowing us to generate funds that can be reinvested into the cattle production side of the business. This partnership ensures that our forest remains a sustainable asset for future generations.

a logging truck
Timber production from Toms cattle farm in Northern NSW.

Current Sustainable Forest Management Program

Throughout the harvest process, I’ve worked closely with Siman and the team from Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) to ensure everything aligns with my property management goals. From the initial forest assessment, onboarding, and planning phase, Siman led the project with a dedicated local harvest team. We conducted several field visits and discussions to integrate the harvest into the overall management of my property. SFM also assisted with the approval process, handling communications with the Local Land Services (LLS) Private Native Forestry (PNF) team, and setting up accounts and communication channels to keep me informed.

Siman and our local harvest contractor, Matt, conducted an initial walkthrough of the forest to plan the harvest operations. As the harvest progresses, Siman and Matt continuously coordinate the next steps, considering factors like weather, forest conditions, and my management objectives. I receive regular updates through phone calls and weekly written reports, ensuring I’m fully informed of any changes due to weather, road and access conditions, safety, and efficiency.

The entire forestry operation is integrated into my property management, and I’ve enjoyed expanding my knowledge of forest management with Siman and Matt’s guidance. The collaboration and communication between us has been key to the success of this project.

a river with mountains behind
Located in Northern NSW, Toms 20,000 acre farm has a wide variety of topography and therefore differing land management challenges.

The benefits of active forest management for farmers

Active forest management offers numerous benefits for farmers like me. By carefully planning and executing sustainable harvesting practices, we can maintain the health and diversity of our forests while generating additional income. This income can be reinvested into other areas of the farm, such as improving infrastructure or expanding cattle operations. Moreover, active management helps protect the forest from pests, diseases, and fire hazards, ensuring that it remains a viable resource for future generations. Engaging in these practices also promotes biodiversity and enhances the overall ecosystem, making the land more resilient to environmental changes.

Through my work with Siman and the team at Sustainable Forest Management (SFM), I’ve seen firsthand how active forest management can be seamlessly integrated into the broader management of a farm. From the initial planning phase to the ongoing coordination during the harvest, the benefits extend far beyond just the immediate financial gains. Our successful project has been driven by our strong collaboration and effective communication, ensuring that the forest remains a sustainable and valuable asset for years to come.

Read more about the benefits in our Agroforestry for NSW Primary Producers blog.

Looking to the Future

As I think about the future of forestry on my farm, I can’t help but reflect on both the challenges and opportunities ahead. It’s concerning that a significant portion of the wood products we use in Australia are imported, while the residual waste from our own forests, including plantations, often goes unused. I believe there’s a strong case for finding ways to utilise this leftover harvest product locally, reducing our reliance on imported wood and supporting sustainable practices here at home.

For the future, I hope more urban Australians will take the time to understand what really happens on the land. I wish more families could send their kids to stay on farms like mine, where they could learn firsthand about life and nature in the country. It’s not just about knowing where milk comes from, but about gaining a deeper appreciation for the land and the work that goes into managing it sustainably. By bridging the gap between urban and rural communities, we can foster a greater understanding and respect for the vital role that forestry and farming play in our lives.

logged trees
Contributing to the domestic supply of timber is an important factor for Tom, who believes more should be done to limit Australia’s reliance on imported timber.

The Path Forward

Sustainable forest management goes beyond just timber harvesting; it’s the foundation for long-term forest stewardship

If you own a private native forest, now is the perfect time to embrace sustainable management practices. By doing so, you can help preserve biodiversity, reduce environmental impact, and meet the increasing demand for responsibly sourced timber.

Connect with Sustainable Forest Management today. As experts in managing private native forests and plantations across the NSW North Coast, we offer free assessments and valuations of your forest. Contact Siman and the team at 1300 367 378 to begin your journey toward sustainable forest stewardship.

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