Setting us apart from the rest, we offer our industry-leading reforestation program as part of our service. Driven by an opportunity to positively change the industry, our unique reforestation program is industry leading.


As part of your Private Native Forest Plan, the Environment Protection Authority is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Private Native Forest Code of Practice which outlines the expectation for reforestation of any areas previously harvested. There is an expectation that landowners have a 60-70% stem count within 24 months of a timber harvest.

This is where our reforestation program comes in. Unlike other forest management providers who end their project at harvesting, we are your active forest management partners, invested in the long-term health and regeneration of your forest.

What the Reforestation Program Includes

Our reforestation program includes complimentary aftercare service, site revisits and consultation for hazard reduction burns and natural germination.

Not only can you rest assured we have you and your forests best interests at heart, we are also there if you have any questions and concerns around reforestation, and we will do the hard work for you. An innovative and a considerable industry leap forward we are proud to make. 

A Change for Good

Why do we do it? Our driving passion is about making a change for good. We value forests as an integral part of the long term sustainable future of Australia and our planet, and we want to do the right thing. It’s what we do. There are no shortcuts with us. We do things the right way for our clients and their forests. 

Where there is an opportunity to make a change for good, we do it. Why let someone else do it if we can. Through our industry-leading reforestation program we aim to help regrow over 50,000 trees every year. Sustainable Forest Management is proud to lead the way within the timber industry here on the East Coast of Australia and beyond. 

For more information on the benefits and importance of reforestation see our Reforestation page.

Interested in our program? Get in touch with us today to get started. Call us on 1300 FOREST. Alternatively, use our contact us form, we’d love to hear from you.