How To Sell My Trees?

Sell My Trees

Without a doubt ‘how to sell my trees?’, ‘how much are my trees worth?’ and ‘what is the best way to sell my trees?’ are the most popular questions we get asked.

As landowners in Australia, many will be the owners of private native forests. Home builders love wood. It’s a sustainable, durable building material loved forever. Perhaps you have had your forest harvested for timber before, or perhaps it is the first time, either way, markets, rates, and processes will have changed. Timber harvesting is only something undertaken once every 20 years or so (depending on your forest type and condition).

This blog [Sell My Trees] provides everything you need to know with regard to selling your trees in NSW. If you are interested and are from other areas on the East Coast please get in touch as we still may be able to assist.

So, how much are my trees worth?

The value of your trees is mostly determined by species, size, quality, and location. Some species grow more consistently healthy and will recover a higher percentage of quality sawn timber. Additionally larger trees can produce larger end sections (sizes) – which are worth more per cubic metre. Learn more on timber prices here with our timber pricing guide.

There has been a drastic shortage of Australian Native timber over the past decade, especially within the last five years where there has been a simultaneous increase in the number of new homes being constructed and a decrease in available timber due to bushfires and flooding. This has seen the market value for timber continue to grow.

How to sell my trees?
How to sell my trees?

Coastal Blackbutt, Spotted Gum, Iron Bark, Tallowwood, White Mahogany, Grey Gum and Grey Box are in particularly high demand. Blackbutt and Spotted Gum are fire retardant species and are highly sought after for home constructions in areas of bushfire risk.

All of our sustainable harvesting operations typically yield between $2,000 and $5,000 (and in some cases upward of $10,000) royalty per hectare harvested.

Our strong established relationships as the market leader, enable us to ensure the best rates for your timber.

How to sell my trees in 4 simple steps.

Selling your trees in Australia is a four-stage process, and we are involved every step of the way.

  1. Engage Buyer(s) to Purchase your Timber.
  2. Obtain a Written Appraisal and Timber Valuation.
  3. Ensure all Required Approvals are in place.
  4. Manage Harvest and Haul Operations.

Finding a Buyer for my Trees.

In NSW this will be either a private native forest management company or sole contractor. An in-person inspection and assessment are recommended to obtain a timber valuation. Keep in mind that you want to achieve the maximum returns for timber whilst balancing the long-term value of your asset by protecting the future of your forest.

Usually, in selling your trees there are no costs incurred by the seller. The purchaser covers all costs of the harvesting operation, including transport to the sawmill. You in return will be paid a royalty fee per cubic meter for your timber.

Sustainable Forest Management is the industry leader with over 60 years of experience. We provide free on-site forest assessments to determine suitability for sustainable harvesting including a free timber valuation. Plus free personalised advice on the long-term sustainable management of your private native forest.

There is no obligation to commit to timber harvesting, we will only recommend this where it is the best long-term solution for your forest.

Get yourself the best timber valuation using our guide to maximising your timber returns.

Receive a Written Appraisal & Timber Valuation.

The second stage is to receive a written assessment report and the estimated valuation of your timber. The value of your timber will depend on the species; size; quality; location; and current market rates. Keep in mind that different forest management companies use differing levels of harvesting and this will impact the amount of saleable timber you have as a result.

How much are my trees worth?
How much are my trees worth?

At Sustainable Forest Management we only harvest timber where it is sustainable to do so, with minimal impact to the natural habitat and protection of your forest for future growth. Our approach ensures more of the tree is harvested than that of our competitors, therefore minimising wastage and maximising tree harvest returns. Our solid and long-standing partnerships within the industry ensure maximum royalties for your timber.

Your Forestry Approvals.

The Local Land Services PNF team are responsible for the provision of approvals of your Private Native Forest (PNF) Plan and subsequent Forest Management Plan (FMP). We are experts in supporting our landowners with the preparation of the necessary documentation and background forestry recommendations to ensure you have these records in place prior to commencing, and during, your harvest.

Manage Harvest & Haul Operations.

Forestry operations involve the scheduling and management of specialist harvest contractors who must use best practice silvicultural practice, the haulage of timber harvested, and the sales process with local sawmills. You should be informed of any compliance reporting with Local Land Services during the harvest, and it is recommended that prudent forest owners regularly visit the harvesting operation and keep an eye on how operations are going.

To view the full timber harvesting process and what happens next see Our Process page [Sell My Trees].

Get in touch today for a no obligations assessment of your private native forest.


Tree protection laws in Australian states and territories.

Forestry Industry

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